Whatcom County Rural Internet
Specializing in radio and fiber connectivity solutions
Welcome to Whatcom County Rural Internet. We are a non-profit ISP composed of a team of volunteers who are working tirelessly to provide high-speed internet connectivity to areas neglected by traditional ISPs.
Our Mission
With our innovative and insightful technology, we strive to enhance our users’ every day experiences. Founded in 2021, our incredible team of engineers and programmers, have worked tirelessly to bring Whatcom County Rural Internet to the forefront of the industry. We have already laid over 5 miles of fiber within Whatcom County, and will continue to build out!

Help Center
What You Need to Know
When can I sign up?
At this point, we are currently at full capacity in our current areas of service. While we are researching what areas to expand into, we do not yet have a definitive timeline.
What speeds are you offering?
We are planning our backbone with the capacity to offer gigabit up and down to all locations. Individual locations may have slower speed depending on their distance from backbone connectivity.
How Can I Help?
We are currently looking for local advocates who are interested in coordinating their underserved pockets. We are also accepting donations towards improving our local collective rural internet connectivity.